Stijn de Vos

"I am exploring statistical models that we can use to find out more about depression, together with other experts such as physicians, psychologists and epidemiologists. This makes the work pleasantly varied'.

During my Master’s programme I specialized in probability and statistics, which is obviously very useful for this job. Thanks to my mathematical background, I learn new techniques easily. What you don’t learn in Mathematics are skills such as meeting and communicating with other scientists. I don’t think you need to offer all these skills in a degree programme; you can learn them by participating in activities outside your programme. I was a member of a study association and a student association, where I learnt organizational skills, and also enjoyed the social side of student life. This was very important for my personal development and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!"

Stijn de Vos

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Augustin Procopi

"My passion is to solve real-world problems in a rigorous way"