Vanessa van ‘t Hoogt

"I think it’s important to gain a practical understanding of the arts world. That’s why I did (and still do!) volunteer work at several art institutions alongside studying for my Bachelor’s degree. I was also actively involved in IK, the ACM study association, as the secretary of the Museum Committee, and as chair of the Party and Introduction committee I’ve organized several parties and the introduction camp. That was so much fun. As one of the international student ambassadors for ACM I inform prospective international students about the programme. Last month I went to a recruitment fair in Germany.

I have learned a lot from being actively involved in the study programme, the association and the Faculty – not only by working in a project team, but also by chairing a committee, monitoring its tasks and being responsible for an activity.

Groningen is a lively city with a rich cultural life and there is always something to see and experience. All the culture, sport and leisure facilities and amenities provide excellent opportunities for self-development outside your studies."

Vanessa van ‘t Hoogt

Overige testimonials bij Kunsten, cultuur en media

Joanna Zienkiewicz

"I always enjoyed writing and giving my opinions on art."