Nicolás Moreno-Gutiérrez - tweedejaarsstudent

I’ve always thought of people as a never-ending collection of stories. Ever since I have approached them with this mindset, I have been marveled by the complexities of human relationships. This is what made me study Cultural Anthropology, and this is what brought me here to Leiden. Now that I am in my second year, I have developed a more nuanced understanding of the human experience by connecting it to broader social realities. I hope to continue doing so during the remainder of the programme. In an increasingly interconnected and diverse world, grasping these complexities proves to be more important than ever.

Nicolás Moreno-Gutiérrez - tweedejaarsstudent

Overige testimonials bij Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology

Pablo Pandocchi - tweedejaarsstudent

""I really appreciated being able to organise and carry out hands-on research.""