Jesse David Marinus

“After two years of Applied Law (HBO-Rechten) I needed a programme that would challenge me, one where I could research rather than search. M&M is an interdisciplinary programme that combines anthropology, politics, history, sociology, linguistics and multilingualism. The programme has motivated me to be active, and all the support has made it possible for me to take extra course units, do volunteer work at LGBT organisation COC and the Frisian youth association FYK, serve on the board of DAG (student movement for democratization at RUG), and be chairman of the study association Multi. The small class size makes it possible for the professors and lecturers to focus on individual students and lead an active discussion. Living in Groningen gives a boost to your student life, as it is a vibrant, young and exciting city.”

Jesse David Marinus

Overige testimonials bij Minorities & Multilingualism

Lucia Baldassini

"What I particularly enjoy is the close contact between lecturers and students."

Alissa, student Minorities and Multilingualism

"Essentially, we learn to become diversity managers."