48 maanden

Have you ever stopped to wonder how navigation apps determine your fastest route? Or asked yourself how translations apps or music playlists are created? The answer is: big data. It is all because someone gathers the data in order to create better models and programmes. The effect? A comfortable life for all individuals who use these systems every single day. Applied Mathematics / Data Science helps you excel in software development, data science, and even entrepreneurship. In other words: in our diverse study programme you obtain all the much-needed skills for a future career in IT, using it to advance (digital) systems, mobile networks, artificial intelligence and organisational structures.

Why this programme?

  • We offer a unique combination of applied mathematics and computing.
  • Focus of the programme is on big data and data mining - the future of IT!
  • Most projects involve real clients, such as tech companies and governmental organisations.
  • We are a small-scale, international community. Staff know all students by name and higher year students help first year students.
  • After graduation, your options are endless! You could work for any business that uses math or IT. 95% of our students have a suitable job 1,5 years after graduation.

Test jezelf!

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