48 maanden

Your brain analyses your memories and experiences in a flash. It can learn and reprogramme itself to adapt to new input. It also cleans and unscrambles the data, then converts it so you understand and make the right choices. But… how does this work in a company, with no mind of its own?

The Applied Mathematics / Data Science programme qualifies you to be the brain of an organisation. In order words, it enables you to understand and manipulate data, develop software around it, and everything in between. With these skills, you can build and improve digital systems, apps, AI and other self-learning tools. Or help optimise business operations and professionally influence decisions on a large scale. You’ll play a key role in whatever field you wish to specialise.

Mathematical Engineers, a name given to experts on both mathematics and IT, can be found everywhere: working behind the scenes as data scientists, software developers or statisticians – or more in the foreground, as business analysts, self-made entrepreneurs or consultants. This usually takes place in fields like IT, tech, finance, risk assessment and logistics. In turn, these fields cover every industry imaginable, whether it’s media or music, sports, commerce or sustainability.

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